10 Things To Do In Dublin (Part 3)
On episode 37, 10 things to do in Dublin (Part 3), Julie & Art continue their exploration of the Irish capital city. We continue our overview of 10 things to do in Dublin, resuming at number 7 on our list. Listen in for ideas to help you plan a future vacation to Dublin.
Planning Your Dublin Itinerary
Dublin offers a tremendous amount of choices for tourists. The city has museums, shopping, entertainment, churches, access to nature, and yes, pubs. We do recommend planning one to two key things to do on your daily itinerary. No matter your interests, Dublin surely provides many choices to entice your curiosity.
Travel Resources
We consulted Frommer’s Dublin Day By Day travel guide for identifying specific attractions to include during our trip. The book was helpful to identify walking tours, museums, as well as providing days and times that specific places are open to visit. We recommend purchasing a book similar to this one when planning a longer trip.
This Dublin guide provides 19 Self-guided Tours, 39 Maps, and several day trips. You’ll also find recommendations on the best live music and top kid attractions in the city. It’s a great resource to help you experience the best of Dublin in the smartest, most time-efficient way.
- The best of Dublin in one, two, or three days
- Thematic tours for every interest, schedule, and taste
- Hundreds of evocative photos
- Bulleted maps that show you how to go from place to place
- Hotels, restaurants, shopping, and nightlife for all budgets
- A tear-resistant foldout map-enclosed in a handy plastic wallet you can also use for tickets and souvenirs
10 Things To Do in Dublin Ireland
This episode continues our journey of 10 ideas to occupy your time in Dublin. We share our experiences with the items seven through nine:
- Trinity College and the Book of Kells – We walked into the awe inspiring long library at Trinity College. Our aim here was to see the medieval treasure known as the Book of Kells. This visit did not disappoint. We also learned a few interesting facts about Trinity College which we share on this episode.
- Dublin Churches – We explored the tombstones in front of St. Michan’s Church in Dublin. But our main church destination was St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Listen in to learn when the best time is to visit this Irish landmark.
- The River Liffey – A trip to Dublin is made just a bit more complete with time spent walking the banks of the River Liffey.
One more episode to go next time to close out our review of 10 things to do while in Dublin.
Visit Dublin Ireland
We hope this episode inspires you to consider this great European city for your future travels. Our top tips (listen to the podcast) are shared to help you make the most of your visit.
Which attractions will you explore on a trip to Dublin Ireland?
The Places Where We Go
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Julie & Art