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Lessons from Cruise Ship Mishaps – Tips Before Your Sea Adventure

Embarking on a cruise promises adventure, relaxation, and the thrill of discovering new destinations. However, the reality of cruising often includes unexpected challenges. If you’re interested in cruise ship mishaps and what can go wrong on a cruise, this blog post is for you.

On a recent Baltic-Scandinavia cruise, we experienced firsthand the disappointment of a canceled port due to bad weather. Despite multiple attempts, our ship could not dock at Visby, Sweden, turning our anticipation into frustration.

In this blog post, we share our experience and explore other common cruise ship mishaps, offering insights and tips on navigating these unforeseen hurdles. Whether you’re a seasoned cruiser or planning your first voyage, our stories aim to prepare you for the unexpected. We’ll discuss unexpected cruise experiences and how to deal with them. 

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Princess Cruise Ship moving away from a cancelled port at Visby, Sweden
Princess Cruise Ship moving away from a cancelled port at Visby, Sweden
Cruise Ship Mishaps

Cancelled ports

During our recent Baltic-Scandinavia cruise, we were somewhat surprised when we attempted to visit Visby, Sweden.

At breakfast, we saw the ship making its approach to Visby.  We quickly finished our breakfast and headed to our room to prepare for the day.  But stepping out on our balcony, we noticed the ship was sailing away from the port.

And that’s when the captain’s voice came over the ship’s public address system to inform passengers that weather conditions would make a docking attempt too dangerous. He said the ship could hit the dock and cause damage due to the winds. Disappointedly, we learned that our itinerary was effectively canceled on this day.

The Captain turned the ship around and slowed it down toward the next scheduled port, Stockholm.

If you have a cruise with Visby on the itinerary, you might be aware that this port can be undependable.

As we always say, you need to learn to go with the flow when traveling. And we did because things happen.

This got us thinking about other unexpected situations that can occur on a cruise and how to handle them best. While cruising is generally smooth sailing, things can go wrong. So, let’s explore several other cruise-related scenarios that can happen and strategies to cope with them if they happen to you.

View of Bornholm, Denmark cruise port from a cruise ship

Missed Ports of Call

One of the inherent risks of cruising is the possibility of missed ports of call, often due to unpredictable factors like inclement weather or logistical issues. Despite meticulous planning and anticipation, Mother Nature sometimes throws a wrench into the best-laid plans. 

For example, during our recent Baltic-Scandinavia cruise, adverse weather conditions prevented our ship from docking safely at Visby, Sweden, despite the captain’s best efforts. This kind of situation, while frustrating, is a reminder of the fluid nature of travel on the high seas.

To cope with the disappointment of a missed port, it helps to adopt a flexible and positive mindset. Firstly, view it as an opportunity to explore more of the ship’s amenities or to participate in onboard activities you might have otherwise missed. Engaging with fellow passengers and crew can also turn an unexpected sea day into a memorable social experience. 

Additionally, researching alternative plans or excursions at other ports can help shift focus from the missed destination to upcoming adventures. Staying open-minded and adaptable ensures that your cruise remains enjoyable, even when things don’t go exactly as planned.

We had no excursions booked for Visby as we planned to explore on foot. However, for passengers who booked excursions, this port cancellation caused more headaches for passengers and the Princess Cruises staff. 

It’s frustrating when you have plans or excursions booked. Often, the cruise line will refund or credit you for missed excursions. 

If the trade-off is between the safety of the ship and its passengers versus attempting to dock the ship dangerously, we’re grateful for cruise companies that put the safety of passengers first.

Bad Weather

Bad weather can dampen cruise experiences. Rough seas, rain, or even cold temperatures can affect your plans. It’s essential to check the weather forecast before you pack and bring versatile clothing. Onboard, there are often alternative activities and entertainment options if outdoor plans are disrupted.

And sometimes, the best moments come from the unexpected. Find a cozy spot with a view and enjoy the storm from the safety of the ship.

Mechanical Issues

Another unexpected issue related to cruise ship mishaps can be mechanical problems with the ship. These can range from minor inconveniences to significant changes in your itinerary.

Cruise ships can lose power and maneuverability in the water. This happened to the Carnival Dream in the Caribbean, resulting in a stalled ship and temporarily inoperable toilets and elevators.

There might be a partial loss of power, such as when a single-engine becomes inoperable. In such conditions, a ship may be able to sail under its own power while sacrificing speed. The Carnival Legend experienced engine issues off the coast of Florida, which resulted in a delayed return to its final destination of Baltimore.

If there are mechanical issues that need to be addressed, ships can be towed to a nearby shore if the waters are calm.

In these situations, communication is key. Stay updated through announcements and talk to customer service about any compensations or changes in plans.

person holding thermometer
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

Onboard Illness

Next, let’s talk about onboard illness among cruise ship mishaps you might encounter. No one likes to think about getting sick on vacation, but it can happen, especially in close quarters like a cruise ship. This can lead to quarantine measures or even an early end to the cruise. 

Most ships have excellent medical facilities if you fall ill, so you will likely have access to a doctor onboard.

Also, pack a small first aid kit with medications for common ailments like seasickness or colds. You’ll also want to consider packing extra medications and essentials in case of quarantine.

As is the case on many cruise ships, practicing good hygiene is important when you’re around hundreds or thousands of people. Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizers placed around the boat.

A related strategy to consider is always securing travel insurance. It can provide financial relief in situations like these. 

Overbooked Excursions

Many people anticipate going on the various excursions offered by most cruise lines. But you might be disappointed if you wait too long and find out an excursion you were interested in is completely booked, and you can’t join.

Strategy: Have a Plan B. Research each port beforehand and know what activities you can do on your own. Sometimes, these unplanned adventures turn out to be the best memories.

pile of old suitcases
Photo by Kelly on

Lost Luggage

Another common issue is lost luggage. Imagine starting your cruise without your essentials. Always pack a carry-on with at least a day’s worth of clothes, medications, and other essentials. Many cruise lines have shops where you can buy what you need if your luggage is delayed.

And don’t forget to label your bags clearly and take photos of them before you check them in. It can help with identification and claims.


Having a flexible mindset is crucial when dealing with unexpected changes during travel, especially when it comes to cruising. 

As we have discussed, many factors can influence the smoothness of a cruise, such as weather conditions, mechanical issues, or even illnesses. These situations are out of our control and can easily throw off our planned itinerary. 

However, a flexible mindset allows us to adapt and be open to new experiences. It also helps us manage frustrations and disappointments more healthily. Ultimately, adaptability will enable us to make the most of any situation and have an enjoyable travel experience despite unexpected turns. 

So, next time you’re on a cruise or any other type of travel, remember to stay open-minded and embrace whatever adventure comes your way. Overall, the key to successfully managing unexpected changes during travel is to stay positive and flexible, making the most out of every situation and creating unforgettable memories along the way. 

Note: While these strategies help deal with unexpected situations, it’s also crucial to follow crew members’ instructions and prioritize safety above all else.

Listen To Our Podcast On Cruise Ship Mishaps

Closing Thoughts

Cruising can be a fantastic experience, but it sometimes involves unexpected situations. The key is to remain adaptable, look for the silver linings, and remember that every trip has its own story.

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