RAF Halton Hidden Documents - blog post cover image

RAF Halton Hidden Documents (1944)

The images in this post came to us from the Trenchard Museum in 2021. The RAF Halton hidden documents (1944) were found on the grounds of RAF Halton and pose somewhat of a mystery.

Background on the RAF Halton Hidden Documents (1944)

Here is the back story on the documents as told to us by Francis Hanford, the curator at the Trenchard Museum:

A few years ago some friends of mine removed a partition wall in one of the old wooden huts.   As they took it apart, it became obvious that this had been a self-help job dating back, possibly, to wartime.   The outer layers of hardboard had been stuffed with waste paper, probably for sound insulation purposes.   They handed over all the legible paper to the museum because it appeared to be of Polish origin, a lot of it in code.   I attach 4 photos of samples and hope that you might be able to translate the one written by AC 2 (aircraftsman second class) Karcsmanyk B at least.   If anyone can come up with anything on the others, other than the straight English, that will be a real bonus, if not a miracle!

After finding these documents, Mr. Hanford noted that the RAF Halton Archives would retain them for reference and research.

Deciphering The Hidden Documents

So, should someone come across these photos and be able to translate the content further, I trust the Trenchard Museum staff at RAF Halton would be appreciative. From my vantage point, I’ve gathered these points from the photos.

I initially couldn’t find the name shown on document #2 below when referencing the RAF Halton Polish Apprentice Student Rosters from the 1940s. However, I found a name that appears to be a match from Lista Krzystka.

The author was likely Bolesław Karczmarczyk (at minimum for image #2 below).

  • RAF Service Number: 705346
  • Born: January 2, 1922 in Wierzbie, Poland
  • RAF rank: LAC
  • Polish rank: st. szeregowiec
  • Trade: Wireless operator

Document 1: Technical Exercise or Actual Code?

This first image appears to be a technical exercise completed at the RAF Halton Technical Training School – or was it an actual code (non-exercise)?

Image 1 of 4 believed to be from Polish Apprentice at RAF Halton in 1944 - attributed to Karczmarczyk Bolesław. Technical school exercise.

Document 2 – BolesÅ‚aw Karczmarczyk – Report January 25, 1944

This second image shows a date of January 25, 1944. The header “Meldunek” likely signifies that this was a report. I welcome input for the translation of the paragraph written in this letter.

Image 2 of 4 believed to be from Polish Apprentice at RAF Halton in 1944. Cover memo regarding a report - attributed to Bolesław Karczmarczyk

Document 3 – An Account Regarding The War

This third page provides an account written in English. Here’s a written puzzle if someone wants to participate in deciphering. I suspect a Pole with a rudimentary command of English authored this account. I managed to make out fragments of the letter, as posted below. However, there are sections I need help deciphering further.

…to look to the full complete confidence afford to the Italians. He said the Germans are preparing a strong (?) northern Italy beyond that (?) be (?) on which it is sixty miles by bomber to (?) … he estimated that seven German with rest? are now (??? … ???) that Italian did not (???) as an essential (???) … (???) forces the fifth year. The war … the common enemy Germany cannot (???) on in the correspondence …
open on the west while the British … in Italy … England and France …

…and Great Britain am to be mess know .. have to help the American …

…there were plenty of other volunteers…”

Image 3 of 4 believed to be from Polish Apprentice at RAF Halton in 1944. Attributed to Bolesław Karczmarczyk.

Document 4 – Electrical Diagram and Code

The fourth image appears to be an electrical diagram written over a page of code.

Image 4 of 4 believed to be from Polish Apprentice at RAF Halton in 1944. Attributed to Bolesław Karczmarczyk.

Contributions Welcome For Interpreting These Documents

Again, these images were found behind a wall partition at RAF Halton. I would greatly appreciate any help deciphering and interpreting the contents. Findings will be shared on this website and with the staff of the Trenchard Museum.

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Related information is archived on our website here:
Polish Forces at RAF Halton
